101 with Mac | Story of a window user :)

Just took a Apple Macbook Pro (Mac OSX Leopard) and in this post i would like to share some of my experience. Being a first time user of Mac (Born and bought-up by pirated windows :P until and unless MS started giving beta windows for free) my first experience was not that WOW except the look. But slowly and slowly as i started learning the OS i am loving it.Let me point them down and will keep it updating. Hope this will be useful for someone like me :). Kick 1) Any Mac explorer close button is opposite side of windows. Funny. I took an hr before getting habituated to it. I always try to search it on the right hand side. After a week now i try to search the same close button in my office XP on left side. We the end user always suffer :|
Kick 2) Where the hell is the maximize button. Being from windows i always used to open every application and maximize it but there is nothing called maximize in Mac. I suffer a lot for this. Tried to figure out some apps to do the same but after some day those digit forum geek friends (http://www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57559) actually explained me that there is no concept of maximize in Mac. Actually now i like the Mac concept. The "+" button on the top maximize the explorer only to the limit it requires. So if you have two folders in a folder why do you want the whole screen to show that up. So i feel that's innovative. Mac rocks. Kick 3) Mac don't have a refresh thing on its desktop. Crap that was useless. Why the hell we need refresh on windows. Mac do the same without refresh. Kick 4) Cool so far until unless last Wednesday when i took a 1/2 TB Segate Free Agent Go. I use windows on my desktop and mac on laptop and wanted to use my PHD(Portable hard drive) on both of them simultaneously but the big question. What will be the file format? Try1: NTFS >> Mac can read NTFS and cannot write to it :( NTFS anyways is windows property so no problem with windows. Try2: FAT32 >> Mac and Windows are happy with it. Both can read and write. But the tragedy is Fat32 supports only 1GB of max file size. Most of my movies are above 1GB. Sad i cant compress each and every movie. So who came to my rescue? NTFS-3G: This is a mac software which will allow to read and write NTFS on Mac. Download it here. http://www.ntfs-3g.org/ God bless ntfs 3g org.
Kick 5) I copied all my movies to my new drive. Now i can move around with my movies. But wait! How to search the whole thing. OK Mac support spotlight search but it doesn't search external drives. What the hell! Windows is so good. I can search any file any where. But there should be some hack. Ya there is. How to add external hardrives and portable drives to spotlight search? Easy. Pull up Terminal. Write Sudo -s and enter your password. Now execute the following. sudo mdutil -i "on" "/volumes/drivename" Once this is done your new drive is added to spotlight index and again i say Mac rocks for Geeks! Story cont....