Re-Molding Opera mini browser Icon | Mobile browser

This tutorial is real fun and geeky..
What we will actually do here is we change the opera mini icon so that it looks nice when installed in our mobile. I shall use some free softwares also to make the icon and Winrar to edit the jar file.

Step 1: Choose your icon. It should be a .PNG image. A transparent background is preferable. If you don't have nice png icons then try this website and download from here.. I usually download from here..

Step 2: Once you get the icon you need to resize it. After resize the size should be 48 x 48 Pixel. Here is a free online tool to resize.. I like this tool very much and its very user friendly. Just upload your image and resize and then save.

Step 3: So now you have your resized image. Now rename it to i.png

Step 4: Download opera mini from here.
Select the appropriate model and save the jar file in your computer.

Step 5: Right click and open with WinRar.

Step 6: Just select the new i.png image you created and pull and place it in winRar. It will ask you that you want to paste it or not. Select OK.

Thats it. Now send the jar to your mobile or install it from your pc to your mobile. Here is what you will get.

Did you like that! Try some cool icons.. Let me know if you face any problem. It would be really nice if you give your comments.