
Create a new document
Size: 1280 X1024
Background Color: #5eb121

Then with Type Tool, Write some text

Go to Edit > Transform > Skew and change the text like me

Select Move Tool and change the Vertical Scale

Now for this text Layer add the following layer styles

This is the result

Please be careful on the following steps

Step 1 : duplicate this layer ( press CTRL+J )
Step 2 :then press one time on " Up arrow - from your keyboard

Then for this second layer add the following layer styles

Repeating step 1 and 2 a few times, Maybe 10 times , you will get the following result

Now it comes the nice part. Select Pen tool, and make something like me

You can see that i have the same layer styles as the text layer

Now duplicate this layer a few times, Rotate all the duplicate layers, You can also resize them if you want, then place this layers as you want.
All should be random
This is my result for the left side of the wallpaper

After i have duplicated the layers a few times, i have placed this shapes also on the right side of the wallpaper

Now it is time to change the colors of this shapes. The easy way is to change the Gradient colors

Now you can use your own colors. I will use mine

This is the result

I hope you like it