Objective:This tutorial will help you to make a bootable windows 7 pen drive.Things needed: 1) Windows 7 ISO image (Any version) + PowerISO software Installed. (http://www.poweriso.com/download.htm) OR 1) Windows 7 DVD 2) A PEN drive preferably having space of 3GB Step1) Install PowerISO and mount the windows 7 Image or if you have a windows 7 DVD insert it. Step2) Plugin your pendrive. Step3) Go to Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsAdministrative ToolsComputer ManagmentStorage you can see your Disk layout. Check the Disk number for your pendrive. Usually if you have one HD the the disk number is 1 else its 2. Step4) Once you know your disk number open cmd prompt with Administrative privilage. Step5) Execute the following steps one by one
- diskpart
- select disk 2
- clean
- create partition primary
- select partition 1
- active
- format fs=fat32
- assign
- exit
- xcopy d:*.* /s/e/f e: where d is your windows 7 drive and e is your pen drive