> Joy of Daily Hacks_

Social Authentication with Firebase on React Native

Designing a Conversational Intelligent Bot which can cook

Play Pokemon Go at any place in the world | IOS only

Raspberry Pi 3 (Rpi3) WIFI setting for OSMC (Headless)

An Arduino Project for Halloween - Scare the shit out

Horizontal Scrolling - Stack of cards - using Swift 2

Starter kit for NodeJS, Express with handlebarsjs

Swift 2.0 substringWithRange

"hello world" steps to start coding with MondoDB, NodeJS and Mongoose

How to get current day, month and year in NSDate() using Swift?

Spotify Like Video Welcome Screen using Swift

The only Node JS, Express and nodemon beginners tutorial you will ever need to watch!

Dynamic Hyperlink in excel

Create a auto hide popup with swift

The easter egg of Google Chrome

Run a snippet of code only once in lifetime for a app - Swift -Xcode